About Virginia
I have an International Certification in Medical Qigong from The Institute for Traditional Medicine, Toronto CA, and The Dan Tao Center, NYC. I have been a yoga and meditation teacher, trained by Integral Yoga Institute, for over thirty-five years, and registered with Yoga Alliance. My BA from Marymount/Fordham and Grad studies are in Psychology. I have certifications in Sound Healing, Reiki, and I am an LMT, certified in Medical Massage..
My studies of Qigong include: Medical Qigong, Immune Qigong, Anti-Inflammatory Qigong, Meditation, and Dragon Gate Wudong style Taiji quan. My Sifu, Master Sat Chuen Hon is the founder of Cloud Dantao and Dantao Center, NYC, operating since 1981. He overcame cancer with Qigong as Complementary therapy along with Chemotherapy. He documents his journey to wellness in his book, Healing Cancer with Qigong, Hon,SC. (2014). New York:Ancient Taoist Practice Society.